Chocolate Covered Almond Butter Apricots

Guys, these little treats have my heart! When I stopped buying chocolate, I started to experiment with making my own chocolatey treats. These tick all the right boxes.

Grain-Free Fruit and Honey Granola

I absolutely love granola! During the winter months, especially, I crave comforting, grain-filled foods like toast, cereal, and savory pies. When I first learned to make grain-free granola it was life-changing! Since then, I’ve created a few of my own blends!

5 Resources to Detox Your makeup Bag

I began detoxing my daily routine a few years ago. I began to learn about how there are many toxic ingredients in the products I bought for my daily routine.

I started by reducing The products I used; simplifying and thinking more minimally about the things I wanted to replace.