Travel Favorite: From Beauty to Snacks – How I Stay Sane While Traveling

Vacation = treating, binging, and feeling crappy when all is said and done. That’s what I used to think. When I lived in California I was over 2,000 miles from home and I got a lot of experience with long-distance travel and I began to learn convenient tips that weren’t compromising for my body.

Organic Tea: Is it the Real Deal?

This spring I began replacing my conventional teas with Organic, mostly herbal ones.

An important part of reducing my body’s exposure to toxins is buying organic as much as I can. Organic means there’s a higher standard for quality growing and ingredients and often having a 3rd party certification (like USDA) provides integrity assurance that organic isn’t just a company claim.

There are a lot of hype out there about “organic” and “natural” products and a lot of brands and companies to wade through. The more I read, the more I discovered fakes! It led me to ask: “how do I know it’s the real deal?”

Monthly Green Round Up

I’ve decided to start sharing new products I’m trying and the steps I’m taking on a monthly basis toward a healthier lifestyle and sustainable home! Growth and improvement don’t happen over night. Small, but intentional steps add up over time. With that being said, welcome to the first installment of Monthly Green Roundup.

Skin Care Essentials

One of my goals for 2017 is to build a solid skincare routine. My skin has always been pretty low maintenece, but now that I’m in my mid-twenties and can definitely tell that it’s changing and I want to be more proactive in keeping it healthy

5 Swiss Water Process Coffees

Do you love coffee, but hate the way caffeine gives you the jitters? Are you looking for more toxin-free decaf coffee sources? Maybe you’re here wondering what the heck is Swiss Water Process??? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

The Power of Perspective

Getting to the root of why I’m eating/not eating certain foods, I realized it’s not that a food is “bad” in itself, as much as it just doesn’t serve my body well. If I view the food I eat as the building blocks for my mind, body and even emotional well-being, eating foods that my body can’t use or foods that cause destruction, doesn’t fulfill my purpose.

5 Resources to Detox Your makeup Bag

I began detoxing my daily routine a few years ago. I began to learn about how there are many toxic ingredients in the products I bought for my daily routine.

I started by reducing The products I used; simplifying and thinking more minimally about the things I wanted to replace.